Summit Branding & Wayfinding
Trinity Works had the challenge of building strong sense of place and brand around The Summit. Our initial efforts were focused on understanding what today’s youth valued in a camp and in their recreational experience. Working with the donor, BSA Marketing and a local agency, we created a social media campaign to get opinions straight from Scouts. We approached managing the Summit brand much like a creative director would manage a campaign. Every encounter with The Summit should communicate adventure, action, and heritage.
The first product of this effort was a Summit Logo that and Brand Guidelines, that helped the BSA rapidly position their newest high adventure camp and Jamboree site in print and web media. With a thorough understanding of The Summit brand in place, Trinity Works was able to focus on the built expression of that brand on site. This included the development of architectural design guidelines to direct the efforts of designers on site. These guidelines clearly communicated expressions of materials, character, and sustainability without being overly prescriptive.
Second, we developed comprehensive way finding systems that built upon the architectural guidelines to convey a sense of strong place while also creating a framework for both pedestrian and vehicular navigation. Trinity Works used the guidelines to enforce a coherent visual narrative across the site.
Photos By: Peter Robins & Gary Hartley